Become a NYSADSA Member Today!

Join our active, professional, and vocal team of advocates for and of adult day services across New York State.

We extend a warm thank you to our current members – we could not advocate for adult day services at the state level without your support, and we would like to welcome new members who wish to join our growing, thriving organization.

All current NYSADSA members receive a host of opportunities, including:

  • Access to New York State-compliant personal care training for staff
  • A public listing in our NYSADSA Online Directory, with your agency's website linked on (applies to Multiple Site, Single Site, and Professional Organization memberships)
  • A reduced rate for NYSADSA products, services, training, and our Annual Conference
  • Access to the Members Only section of our website, which will have free webinars for members and important documents for you to view
  • Bimonthly membership meetings

Click here to fill out an online membership application.

Membership Rates:

Multiple Site Adult Day Program – $550.00
Single Site Adult Day Program  $300.00
Professional Organization  $325.00
Program Under Development  $150.00
Professional Individual  $100.00
Supporter  $75.00

Adult Day Program and Organization membership rates include all employees of that program or organization.


There are many benefits to joining NYSADSA and renewing your membership.

Our members are the first to receive information for all of our training programs throughout the year. Not only do we offer training on the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) Minimal Standards and Regulations regarding Social Adult Day Services (SADS) regulations, but we also hold an Annual Conference which members can attend at a reduced rate. We also provide webinars to help inform those who are unable to leave their program for the day (we understand!).

We have an active Board of Directors who also serve as our liaisons for education and training. They are the catalysts for the Annual Conference and are busy organizing materials for ongoing staff training.

Members now receive E-News through their email to keep them aware of the scheduling of regional meetings, regional trainings, online webinars, and other factors relevant to operating a SADS program. We will keep members aware of regulatory and legislative changes that are being worked on behind the scenes within the New York State Legislature, NYSOFA, and the New York State Department of Health.

It is an exciting time for NYSADSA and our members; we are on the cusp of implementing some very progressive and cutting-edge changes that will greatly benefit our members and supporters.

We value each one of our members, and we can't wait for you to be part of NYSADSA!