About Us

NYSADSA was established in 1978.

We have many goals as a unified organization, and we aim to provide resources, information, and support to the public and the adult day services industry.

NYSADSA is committed to the development and promotion of adult day services. We work to ensure the highest standards of quality and responsiveness to the individuals we serve and our communities' needs.

We are an "active provider" organization: we are adult day providers from across New York State, working with and for our adult day services colleagues.

Support our mission and become a NYSADSA member today! For more information, contact NYSADSA.

Click here to view our Board of Directors.

Social Adult Day Services Information 

The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) contracts with NYSADSA to provide technical assistance to managed care organizations, providers of social adult day services, and those interested in starting an adult day services program.

NYSOFA and the Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs, located in counties) do not provide technical assistance to individuals or groups who want to start a social adult day services program. Please contact the NYSADSA office at 518-867-8839 or [email protected].